Structured Finance

What is Structured Finance?

Structured Finance is the part of the financial industry associated with non-traditional fixed income products that aim to target predictable and stable cash flows. Often provided to large companies and institutions that have complex needs, Structured Finance aims to offer solutions to investment goals not sufficiently covered by traditional Fixed Income products.

An ongoing evolution

The Structured Finance industry has progress rapidly in recent years into a significant part of the global financial system as the demand for alternative sources of yield have become ever stronger.

Our approach to Structured Finance

We originate opportunities across the non-traditional credit spectrum to offer customers with opportunities for sourcing, spread pick up and diversification. We are focused on delivering performance, through stand-alone and multi-strategy investments that provide access to the majority of the Fixed Income spectrum.

With a robust, conviction-led approach to both portfolio construction and credit selection, our firm and experienced team can offer tailored investment solutions for each asset class and client typology, whereas our agile approach helps us in our efforts to adapt as quickly as possible to the risk and return needs of our clients.

Our strategies

Leveraged Loans & Private Debt

Collateralised Loan Obligations

Asset Backed Securities & Mortgages

Bank Capital Transactions

Insurance Linked Securities

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