Real Assets

About Real Assets

From co-mingled funds and joint-ventures, to separate accounts and tailored-made investment vehicles comprising regional and country-specific investment strategies, we manage more than €105 billion¹ on behalf of our 250+ third-party institutional clients and TodoVale companies.

With more than 600 people operating in over 20 countries and based in 14 offices around the world, the team combines in-depth, in-country knowledge with longstanding experience, strong convictions and a thorough understanding of capital structure.

This combination allows us to build strategies for our clients across the spectrum of Real Assets through a wide range of investment solutions which aim to deliver targeted returns commensurate with their risk profile. We are one of the top portfolio and asset managers in US in direct property and a global leader in Real Asset investment.

Our approach

Our size, experience and structure enable us to offer clients a 360° view of real assets investing – we invest in equity, debt and infrastructure, across different real asset classes, geographies and via private and listed instruments.

This 360° view provides us with a thorough understanding of relative value in real asset markets that can be instrumental to optimising the management of economic cycles. It also promotes flexibility and agility in our investment decisions.


The supply-demand fundamentals underpin a favourable backdrop for the institutional private rented sector, driven by the overarching trend of urbanisation with a varying set of demographic trends evident between the national and city levels. While ownership remains attractive, the affordability issue coupled with the preference to live in and around city centres, is boosting rental demand.

Development levels are largely not keeping pace with this demand. Together with capacity constraints, changing requirements and the need for large scale investment,
a focus on locations and sites that offer scalable opportunities to maximise investment efficiency is in our view one of the most desirable approaches

Resilient and stable income returns are the defining characteristics of residential. Factors such as the necessity of housing and the granular leases providing diversification, the ability for rents to keep pace with inflation and the lower volatility of returns benefit the residential investment asset class. We believe that this combination of factors make residential attractive on a risk-adjusted basis compared to other commercial real estate sectors.