Framlington Equities

What is active investing?

Active investing is the process of choosing stocks to remove from and add to a portfolio, based on fundamental analysis, in an attempt to outperform the broader market or a specific index on a risk-adjusted basis.

An ongoing evolution

The investment world is undergoing a vast amount of change and active management is no different. The lack of new competitors, global growth and rapidly advancing technology means that the dynamics of the industry are developing faster than ever. However within that change lies opportunities for those who are prepared to think and invest differently.

Our approach

For years we have been investing with an eye to the future and a focus on aiming to deliver consistent excess returns through active, fundamental, bottom-up stock selection. Led by our convictions and a recognition that long-term investment focus is increasingly shifting from a geographic to a thematic approach, we offer a range of solutions aiming to meet the needs of our clients.

What is the Digital Economy?

The rise of smartphones has given consumers globally unprecedented access and choice when it comes to shopping. Digitally-savvy companies now offer a broader selection of goods, faster delivery, secure payments and 24/7 mobile access. E-commerce represents the part of this new digital economy that clients are most conversant with today. Even though it feels like e-commerce has been around for a protracted time, just 13% of the global retail sales are carried out online. We trust this should allow for many years of double-digit growth in the future.

E-commerce penetration is rising

Over the years, online retail has taken market share from offline retail, a trend we expect to continue in the long term.