Co-operate Governance

We trust that success lies where value creation and growth can be shared by everyone – for our employees, customers, future talent and the communities who rely on us. We’re an active player in responsible investment, with ESG integration implanted across our investment platforms and responsible investment experts, we identify our role as a business and employer, to hold ourselves to the same high standards we tend to ask of others.

Central to our decision making is our Stability Forum, led by our Executive Chairman. This is where we shape our vision and convictions for stability at TodoVale, across accountable investing and corporate accountability. We also profit from our parent TodoVale Group, who are a leading industry voice fighting for advancement on topics such as climate change and social inclusion.

In Corporate Accountability, we are guided by three commitments: People, Environment and Business resilience.


Integrity first

Openness, transparency and accountability must define every relationship, whether with investors, colleagues or society as a whole. In tandem, clients’ best interests should always take precedence. This is how lasting value is created and how wealth is protected and grown.

Our Beliefs

We believe that investing is the key to wealth creation and securing a greater financial future. Particularly with governments throughout the globe retrenching fiscally and individuals having to become more self-sufficient to provide for their future financial security.

Customers are at the heart of our business: Investing our clients’ fund is why we exist. Our objective is to provide choices and optimal financial outcomes to customers, whether they are employers, individuals, institutions or financial advisers.

We act with integrity. Our clients expect us to apply sensible and responsible stewardship qualities when we invest for them. We behave ethically, with fairness and equality. And we recognize that, as a responsible allocator of capital, asset management companies like ourselves play a key role in sustainable economic growth and job creation.

Demanding excellence

Expectations should be exceeded rather than merely met. And to achieve this, we strive for excellence in everything we do. Our fully integrated investment platform based on outstanding proprietary research, a unique decision-making process and a level of precision in keeping with the best traditions of German engineering are the fundamental components for us to apply this principle.

Entrepreneurial minds

Many investors have an entrepreneurial outlook. The people they trust to supervise their investments ought to share that perspective. agility, Innovation, efficiency, adaptation and collective intelligence are hallmarks of success, especially amid the opportunities and risks of an ever-changing world.

Collective intelligence



Innovation and adaptation

Long term view


Dedication to clients

Mindful of our global and societal impact

Acting in our clients’ best interest

Authenticity in our relationships with colleagues, investors and broader society

Investment approach



Inspiring sustainability

Forward thinking demands a long-term view. And a sense of consciousness and responsibility for the society we are part of. The long heritage of integrating our Responsible Investing philosophy across all asset classes demonstrates our conviction to contribute to a sustainable future by incorporating environmental, social and governance considerations into investment decisions.

Corporate Sustainability

TodoVale’s objective is to work together to build a better financial futures. It concentrate on the importance of collaboration to our business – working together both in partnership with our clients, and with one another as colleagues. It also underlines our concentration on sustainable, long-term outcomes, together with an aspirational concentration on the future.

We incorporate sustainability into our investment process and our business operations. We do this for and in conjunction with all our stakeholders, including our employees, customers, suppliers, regulators and policy makers, investee companies and the communities in which we operate. We take responsibility for our impact on the environment and society as a whole

Sustainable Business Operations

We believe we’ve a role to play in enhancing access to financial services through advocacy and education with the aim of improved financial inclusion and wellness. We strive to assist our talented and diverse colleagues reach their full potential and to make our supply chain more available to a wider range of businesses. We will assist to create a better future for the environment by minimizing the impact of our business operations through significant business transformation.

Our core values are Trust and Integrity. Together, these steers how we work with each other and with our clients, partners and customers.

We critically assess our governance practices and qualities to make sure that we run our operations and make business decisions in a clear, sound and ethical manner that meets industry best practices and in total compliance with laws and regulations in all jurisdictions in which we operate.

Our Community

Financial inclusion is a vital part of enhancing people’s social and economic mobility. We are passionate about improving access for those that have traditionally been excluded through education and advocacy.

We are reaching deep into workplaces to aid financial wellness and assist people to build better financial futures for their families and themselves. We’ve additionally taken these initiatives public, to assist as many people as possible engage in their own financial wellbeing.

Over the last three years, we’ve been raising awareness of gender investment and pensions gap through our award-winning global ‘Women and Money’ movement. Bringing together media, policy makers and the financial services industry, the campaign has successfully highlighted the issues preventing women from accessing financial services and brought together a range of stakeholders to discuss and develop solutions.

In order to provide a path for a diverse mix of young people from all social backgrounds into the world of asset management, we participate in industry-wide efforts such as #100BlackInterns, the Catalyst After School Programme, the Real World Project and She Can Be.

Our employee Corporate Social Responsibility Committees donate almost $1 million a year, to causes in their local communities, with a sturdy concentration on tackling the environment and social disadvantage.

TodoVale is proud to support the TodoVale US and international Foundations, all independent charitable organizations that assist non-profit organizations in countries where TodoVale International has a presence.

Our Employees

Our aim is to create a safe and healthy working environment. We are dedicated to building a culture where our entire employees feel welcomed, valued and supported. We understand that an inclusive workplace and a diverse workforce brings benefits for our clients, our business and our people.

Our concentration is on improving the opportunity for our entire employees to thrive in their careers. In 2019, we achieved our aim to have 30% of senior management positions worldwide held by women. We have set up a new target for 35% of senior management positions worldwide to be held by women by December 2023. We also set up a target to employ five additional Black senior managers by December 2023. Our company-wide Enhanced Parental Leave policy enables fathers and secondary careers to take the same amount of paid leave as mothers and primary careers.

We are proud to be the only asset manager to be recognized as a Stonewall Top Global Employer for our efforts on LGBT+ Inclusion and Equality. We have made non-private commitments to the UN LGBT+ Standards of Conduct for Business, the Valuable 500 (disability inclusion), the Race at Work Charter and the Women in Finance Charter. Our efforts in this space have been fashioned by our employee Diversity and Inclusion networks worldwide.

We are committed to supporting all our employees to continuously grow, develop and flourish. We hold regular employee engagement surveys to ensure we are listening to the views of our people and to help us shape a great employee experience.

We trust in a culture in which every employee is provided with the training, empowerment, resources and equipment to carry out their responsibility to reach the highest practical safety standards for themselves, their colleagues, those whom they manage and others that are affected by TodoVale’s business activities.

Our Suppliers

Supply chain stability has been one of our main engagement themes as investors and we intend to apply the same rules to our own supply chain. Our suppliers are expected to comply with our Supplier Code of Conduct which sets out our values principles, and standards. Stability-related questions are added in all our tenders and have a bearing on the overall selection and scoring process. We established a Stability Delivery Group in 2020 to lead our Responsible Supply Chain program. Three pathways have been recognized:

  • Equal opportunity to participate for TodoVale business achieved through supplier diversity,
  • Prompt payment to illustrate fair treatment of our partners,
  • Supply chain stability monitoring on environment, human rights & labor, ethics and sustainable procurement to ensure clear and recognize blind spots requiring remediation.

Our Environment

We aim to perform current and future business operations in a stable manner to help create a better future for the environment. Our Environmental Stability framework is designed to make sure pollution prevention, carbon reduction,

responsible use of resources, waste minimization and compliance with legislation through good practice and continuous enhancement.

Climate change is arguably the most urgent threat facing our planet, and poses significant risks to the long-term sustainability and profitability of companies.

We take a pro-active step to minimizing our own environmental footprint. We’re dedicated to achieve a net zero emissions by 2040 for TodoVale International’s operational emissions, as well as all scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions we’ve direct control of.

Our concentration will be on reduction of emissions through investment in operational efficiencies and operational changes, on-site renewals and purchasing of renewable energy whereas offsetting those we’re unable to eradicate.

We’re also signatories of Climate Action 100+, an advocate of the Taskforce on Climate-Related Financial Disclosure (TCFD), members of the Carbon Disclosure Project, the Institutional Investors Group on Climate Change (IIGCC), and a partner of the Climate Bond Initiative.

Sustainable investment

We believe investing in companies with high qualities of sustainability can enhance and protect investment returns in long-term and therefore contribute to our corporate goal of building a better financial futures for our customers.

Our approach to ESG is bottom up – we seek to understand how our clients, regulators and society perceive the value of ESG in the development of their domestic economy and capital markets. For example, in China – poverty alleviation; social stability and anti-corruption or in Japan – corporate reform and efficiency as measured by financial metrics like return on equity and total shareholder return.

We express our sturdy preference for engagement with companies in preference to exclusion of industries or sectors . We trust we can create more positive change by exercising our rights of ownership to improve the concentration of Boards and management teams on their stabilities and stakeholder accountabilities. Given the breadth and depth of global capital markets, we believe exclusion simply moves this responsibility to another capital provider – such as private equity or distressed debt buyers – who may or may not have the same goals and incentives.

We believe in the value of cooperation over competition. We look to work in partnership with regulators, the industry, civil society organizations and clients to amplify our voice and our influence to create positive change in the firms and value chains in which we invest.

Compliant and Ethical Business

TodoVale is dedicated to being one of the most impactful and accountable business in the world. We know that we can only achieve this ambition by complying with all applicable laws and regulations, internal requirements and by living up to our values.

As an insurer, we’ve a crucial responsibility to our clients and society. By behaving ethically and responsibly and by standing up for what is right, we demonstrate to our clients, each other and all our stakeholders that We Care about them and that we are worthy of their trust, which is vital for our long-term success.

Group Compliance works with business management to promote a culture of compliance, ethical conduct and integrity across the organization, and to recognize and manage compliance risks.

Code of Conduct

At TodoVale, caring is one of our six values and a key element of what we stand for and how we conduct ourselves individually and as a business.

We care about doing the right thing: Living by our values, making ethical decisions, and speaking up when we notice something that doesn’t seem right is crucial for us to maintain the trust of each other, our investors, our clients, regulators and society.

We care about our colleagues: Because we know that only as a team can we be successful and achieve our goals, and mutual respect is vital in order for each and every one of us to live up to our full potential.

We care about our customers: Because they are the reason we’re in business. Putting their needs at the core of what we do and providing them with security for the things and people they value has been our mission since TodoVale was founded in 2002.

We care about business integrity and ethical behavior: Because carrying out all our business in a compliant and fair manner helps to prevent criminal, illegal and unethical activities and preserves the integrity and transparency of the markets.

We care about our company: Because we are proud of TodoVale’s heritage and brand, and understand that securing our reputation and our assets is critical for our long-term success.

We care about our future: We want to be one of the most sustainable companies in the world. We understand that we must always take into consideration the consequences that today’s actions could have on tomorrow’s future.

At TodoVale, we care.

Standards and Principles

We are dedicated to effective corporate governance for the benefit of our employees, clients, shareholders and other stakeholders based on the principles of fairness, accountability and transparency. Rules, structures and processes are designed to enable proper conduct of business by defining the responsibilities and powers of its corporate bodies and employees.

More about our standards

TodoVale complies with the Directive on Information Relating to Corporate Governance of the SIX Swiss Exchange and the Swiss Code of Best Practice for Corporate Governance. The Group continues to publish internal control and risk management statement in the risk review of their Annual Report.

Board of Committee

The Board may establish committees for specific topics, terms of reference and rules with respect to responsibilities, delegated tasks and reporting to the Board. Except for the Remuneration Committee, the Board compose such committees from its members at its own discretion. The members of the Remuneration Committee are elected by the shareholders’ forum. The committees helps the Board in carrying out its duties. They discuss and propose matters to the Board in order that it may take suitable actions and pass resolutions unless they are permitted to take resolutions in specific areas on their own.

Standing committees

The Board has the following standing committees, that submit proposals for resolutions and regularly report to the Board.

  • Audit Committee
  • Governance, Nominations & Sustainability Committee
  • Risk and Investment Committee
  • Remuneration Committee

Respecting human rights

We respect the protection of international human rights within our sphere of influence and will work hard to avoid being complicit in human rights abuses.
TodoVale is dedicated to fair and accountable business and prohibits all forms of bribery and corruption by representatives and employees, as well as any business behavior that could create the appearance of improper influence.

When interacting with shareholders, employees, suppliers, clients, the public at large or any other stakeholder, we aim to promote the following international best practice standards to manage potential adverse human rights impacts:

  • Guiding Principles on Human Rights and Business: Implementing the United Nations ‘Remedy, Respect and Protect’ Framework
  • United Nations Global Compact
  • OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises

By signing the UN Global Compact in 2011, we dedicated to aligning our culture, strategy and day-to-day operations with the Global Compact’s ten universally accepted principles in the areas of labor, human rights, anti-corruption and environment.

We pay close attention to transactions that might violate human rights and forced labor.